Music: Jason Mraz Invites Fan To Play Shaker On Stage But They End Up In An Unplanned Duet

An amazing performance by Jason Mraz with this song calling out some random person with a shaker to play with him while singing a song. Jason Mraz not knowing that this man can sing this song very well and so Jason Mraz decided to make the shaker dud sing a little part of the song and he sounds great! And I think this dude can blend with the music also. The fans enjoyed it and the man deserves a hug!


Music: Son's Cute Way On Making His Mom WIth Alzheimers At Peace For A Moment

Joe Fraley plays his guitar for her mom to be entertained and for a moment of peace. He usually went to his mothers' to sing and play guitar. This actually feels us that moment when our time would come and if our parent could get this kind of condition, how would we act towards them. This cute video shows that his mother is at peace and showing the calmness in her condition not knowing that his son's playing with his heart and with his teary eye. I'm sure that if his mom is OK she could say these words to him: "I AM PROUD TO RAISE A SON LIKE YOU".


Music : Man Plays "Pac-Man" Theme Song In 10 Different Genre.

This man plays the theme song of pac-man in 10 different styles or we can also call it genre. Amazing cover he got there and brought gamers from the old days a good childhood memories. A brief history of the game: Pac-Man is a great game developed by Namco and was first released on May 22, 1980, pretty old game huh?. Well, it was popular from it's very first date it was released until the present day many gamers look pac-man as their past time from being stressed or bored. And for the information of everybody, the ghosts which was the enemy has its nicknames: Red one is "Blinky", the Pink one is "Pinky", the Cyan is "Inky", and the Orange one is "Clyde". And many gamers thought that there were pattern from where would those ghosts will chase you depending on what their color is. Gamers thought that each ghost has its unique characteristics different from the other ghost. That would be all for this post and Goodbye!


Fails And Pranks: You'll Never Thought What Crowd Camera Captured. Awkward!

Have you ever experience touching someone you didn't know not knowing or without your awareness? Many of us might actually experienced the same as this lady do. When touching or holding someone you thought you knew that person and that very moment you realized that the person you touched was a total stranger. Here's an example of it and you might actually mirror the girl's reaction to your reaction upon doing that awkward stuff. That crowd camera though really knows what to catch from the audience. Great job camera man!


Music: One-Handed Drummer Rocks!

One-handed drumming is just as crazy and hell. Just look at how fast his hand is. Drumming that stick is just like awesome. And how did he get those lightning fast hands on drumming? It's like he used two hands, we can't just differentiate his drumming with two or one hand! Just simply amazing dude! Truly a talented street performer.


Fails And Pranks: Why Build These Kind Of Robots?

These robots are just awesome! Awesome to fail us humans of there inventions! Well we all know there is room for errors. Trial and error inventors and may the machines you build will make us proud! Cheers!


Fails And Pranks: Don't Give Up On Your Interest. Learn From This Snowboarder.

When you think giving up is the option about your interest because no matter what you do you just can't make it. Well here's some inspiration for you guys that will make you think if "giving up" is an option. Enjoy!


Fails And Pranks: Burping After Inhaling Helium Is Just Gross

Burping after inhaling a helium is just gross and you should definitely do it! Inhaling helium is on of the most funny thing you can do it to you body and a great way to have some fun. But don't inhale a lot of them or you can make yourself or you health at risk. Inhaling much of it can cause air embolism due to it is lighter(weight) than air and may cause your lung arteries to rupture. So be safe fellas!
